Open Table is a radically inclusive community for people who feel drawn to a spiritual journey but turned off by organized religion. Join us any Sunday afternoon to share food, conversation and prayer in an environment free from judgement, self-righteousness or condemnation.

Universal Design for Worship (UDW) is a new form of worship which takes into account the way the human brain works when learning, based on the ideas of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDW seeks to remove barriers in the worship environment by proactively designing the physical space, the worship service, the activities, and the materials to be accessible and approachable for all people.

A typical service includes a celebration of the Lord's Supper, but with actual food (not simply a cracker and sip of juice). We think of the sermon as a dialogue with space to discuss and reflect on the message. We also make space for you to prayerfully interact with God in the way that works for you.